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MONDAY 23/09/24 – SATURDAY 28/09/24


Every minute for 9 minutes (1 round):

Minute 1: 3 Hang Power Cleans @ 67%
Minute 2: 3 Hang Power Cleans @ 67%
Minute 3: 3 Hang Power Cleans @ 67%
Minute 4: Max Power Cleans @ 67%
Minute 5: Rest
Minute 6: 2 Hang Power Cleans @ 77%
Minute 7: 2 Hang Power Cleans @ 77%
Minute 8: 2 Hang Power Cleans @ 77%
Minute 9: Max Power Cleans @ 77%

*Note the power clean amraps are from floor compared to the prescribed reps from the hang

*Enter reps from Minute 4 & 9 in the notes

Workout Of The Day

 5 Rounds for Time:
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Front Squats @ 60/42KG

Time Cap: 12 minutes

*Top scores: 8 minutes
*Masters RX: (52/36 kg)


Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):

Push Press
Set 1 – 10 reps @ 60%
Set 2 – 8 reps @ 65%
Set 3 – 6 reps @ 70%
Set 4 – 4 reps @ 75%

*around 60, 65,70,75% of 3RM found last week
*If you didn’t find a 3RM, use 90% of your estimated 1RM Push Press.

Workout Of The Day

As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 12 minutes:
49 Double-Unders
Row 21/17 calories
7 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

*Advanced do wall facing HSPUs. Must begin reps from a wall walk.


Within 10 minutes:
1 Deadlift @ 87.5%

*Build to 87.5% 1RM, or work to a 9/10 RPE single for the day with good speed & form in 10 minutes.

Every 90 seconds, for 7:30 (5 sets):
3 Deadlifts @ 75-80%

*touch and go reps

Workout Of The Day

Every minute for 15 minutes (3 rounds):

Minute 1: Max Dumbbell Alternating Power Snatches for 30 seconds
Minute 2: Max Box Jumps (step down) for 30 seconds 24/20 inches
Minute 3: Max Single Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans for 30 seconds
Minute 4: Max Single Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts for 30 seconds
Minute 5: Rest

*DB Weight: 22.5/15KG

*must step down on box jumps

*Speed Focus – work on movement efficiency and speed, goal is the same number of reps each set


Workout Of The Day

25 minute AMRAP:
800m run
30 abmat sit ups
20 alternating KB goblet box step ups @ 24/16 kg to 20″ box
50ft single arm KB suitcase carry per arm @ 24/16 kg (100 feet total)

*20 in box for everyone

Top scores: Aim to finish 3 rounds + some of the run
Minimum goals: Aim to get into the 3rd round


Every 2:30 for 10 minutes (1 round):
Minutes 0:00 – 2:30:
4-5 Front Squats @ 60-65%
Minutes 2:30 – 5:00:
4-5 Front Squats @ 60-65%
Minutes 5:00 – 7:30:
2-3 Front Squats @ 75-80%
Minutes 7:30 – 10:00:
2-3 Front Squats @ 75-80%

*Option 2 – Perform Front Squats in place of overhead squat

Workout Of The Day

Training Think Tank Throwdown

On a 13 minute Clock:
Buy In:
1k row
100 Wall balls @ 20/14 to 10/9ft
AMRAP Burpee box jump overs @ 24/20in in remaining time

*score is total Burpee box jump overs

Top scores: 50 BBJO
Minimum goals: 20 BBJO

AMRAP 25 Minutes:
200M Run (100M Each)
3,000/2500M Bike
80 Dumbbell Snatches 22/15KG
400M Run (200M Each)
1500/1200M Row
800M Run (400M Each)
100 Wallballs 9/6KG


people working out in a group fitness class

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