DSC06412 3

Monday 08/04/2024 – Saturday 13/04/2024


Bench Press
One set every 4 mins for 4 sets. reps – Rest 10 secs between every set of 2.
Superset with:
8 each arm Single arm high pulls – heavier than previous

Workout Of The Day

9:00 AMRAP
3-6-9-12-15 etc.
Push jerks @ 60/40kg
Lateral burpees


Back Squat
1 set every 2:30 for 15 mins

Workout Of The Day

In pairs – For calories:
2:00 max cal partner A.
2:00 max cal partner B.
*Resting partner holds Double KB farmers carry hold @ 2x 24/16kg
1:30 max cal partner A
1:30 max cal partner B
*Resting partner holds Double KB front rack hold @ 2x 24/16kg
2:00 max cal partner A.
2:00 max cal partner B.
*Resting partner holds Double KB farmers carry hold @ 2x 24/16kg
*All Airbike work must be done with nasal breathing only. This is restorative breath work. Not intense.


Workout Of The Day

Every 4:00 for 3 sets
400m Run
Time remaining complete max reps/time on each.
Side Plank reach throughs right side
Left Side
Front plank
12:00-15:00 REST
Every 4:00 for 4 sets
400m Run
8 each leg Single leg box step ups – 2x DB’s by sides @ 90-100% of 8RM step up.


Practice Kipping/butterfly Pull ups/Chest to bar/Bar muscle ups

Workout Of The Day

0-5 minutes
5 minute EMOM
Seconds airbike:
Min 1: 10 seconds.
Min 2: 15 seconds
Min 3: 20 seconds
Min 4: 25 seconds
Min 5: 30 seconds
5-15 minutes complete for time:
15x HARD Pulling Movement
30x Hand release push ups
15x HARD Pulling Movement
30x Hand release push ups
15x HARD Pulling Movement


One set every 3 mins for 4 sets.
3.3.3 reps – Rest 10 secs between every set of 3.

Workout Of The Day

Structural Strength Chipper
AMRAP 16:00
150 Crossover single unders
100 Hollow body flutter kicks
30 Ring Bicep curls
50 V ups
30 DB lying tricep extensions
50 Stalder leg lifts

Workout Of The Day

30 min time cap:
Teams of 3 – One works, One rests, One runs – Swap out after every 200m Run
100 Wall balls
100 ground to OH with 15/10kg plate
100 Push ups
100 Box jumps
100 KBS – American @ 24/16kg
100 russian twists with plate 15/10kg
100 T2B
100 Burpee to pull up bar

people working out in a group fitness class

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