Monday 01/04/2024 – Saturday 06/04/2024


Workout Of The Day



Bench press
One set every 4 mins for 4 sets.
3.3.3 reps – Rest 10 secs between every set of 3.
Superset with:
8 Barbell bent over rows

Workout Of The Day

13:00 AMRAP
20 Cal Row
20 alternating single arm DB hang power clean and jerk @ 22.5/15kg


Back Squat
1 set every 2:30 for 15 mins

Workout Of The Day

13:00 Controlled quality AMRAP
8 Tough loading split squats each leg
20 Banded hip flexor pulls each leg
10 alternating single leg eccentric dragonflag lowers.
10m Bottoms up KB carry each side


Workout Of The Day

Every 8:00 x 4 rounds (32:00 total)
800m Run
Round 1 + 3 = AMRAP until 7:00 mark
8 Strict Pull ups + 15 Situps
Round 2 + 4 = AMRAP until 7:00 mark.
5 Pull ups + 10 push ups + 15 Situps
*At 7:00 mark rest until 8:00 mark of each set.


One set every 3 mins for 4 sets.
4.4 reps – Rest 10 secs between every set of 4.

Workout Of The Day

200m Double DB farmers carry @ 2x 22.5/15kg
50 medball situps
10x DB complex*
100m Double DB farmers carry@ 2x 22.5/15kg
50 medball situps
5x DB complex*
DB complex = 4x Renegade rows into 4x Front Squats

Workout Of The Day

In pairs:
3:30 ON 1:30 OFF x 7 rounds (or finishing with 150 thrusters)
400m run (together)
20 T2B
Max Thrusters w/time remaining @ 40/30kg

people working out in a group fitness class

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