Monday 25/03/2024 – Saturday 30/03/2024


Bench Press
One set every 5 mins for 3 sets.
4.4.4 reps – Rest 10 secs between every set of 4.
Superset with:
10 each arm single arm high pulls

Workout Of The Day

2 rounds
20 Pull ups
25 Push ups
30 Air Squats
500m Row
2 rounds
20 Pull ups
25 Push ups
30 Air Squats


Back Squat
1 set every 2:30 mins for 12:30
4 sets of 3 with 2 sec pause in bottom
1 set of 8 1+1/4 squats

Workout Of The Day

Teams of 2: Waterfall style
3 rounds (each)
18/13 Cal Airbike
18 Lunge wall balls
*Partner A starts on bike, as soon as partner A finishes bike they move onto wall balls and partner B starts bike.
No one can overtake the other. Work faster than your partner to earn rest.


Workout Of The Day

Run/Step up intervals
One new set every 5:00 x 6 rounds
400m Run
8 each leg Single leg box step ups – 2x DB’s by sides @ 90-100% of 8RM step up.
Remaining time:
Set 1: Elbow plank
Set 2: Side plank reach throughs right side
Set 3: Side plank reach throughs left side


Every 40 secs for 10:00
2 rep @ 60-70% + band tension

Workout Of The Day

15:00 Controlled quality AMRAP
5 Jefferson curls
10 alternating single leg eccentric dragonflag lowers.
10 Box L sit raises – 5 sec hold on final rep.
10 Dumbbell Pullovers
5 each arm single arm Dumbbell presses – Tough load.


EASTER FRIDAY – Take a rest day!

Workout Of The Day

Workout Of The Day

In pairs:
3 minute max cal assault bike broken however.
3-13 mins
10 min AMRAP
40 Double DB box step overs @ 2x 22.5/15kg
20 Shoulder to Overhead @ 80/52.5kg
10 Wall walks
13-16 mins
3 minute max cal assault bike broken however.
16-26 mins
10 min AMRAP

5 Wall walks
10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 80/52.5kg
20 Double DB box step overs @ 2x 22.5/15kg
26-29 mins
3 minute max cal assault bike broken however.
Score #1 = total cals
Score #2 = total reps across both amraps.

people working out in a group fitness class

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