Back Squat
1×5 @ 65%
1×5 @ 70%
3×5 @ 75%
1x 8 You choose weight!
*One new set every 2:00
Workout Of The Day
12 min consistent amrap
10 Double DB farmers carry lunge steps
15 side plank reach throughs each side
20 Rower hamstring curls
*Choose load that is tough but manageable for consistent movement.
9 min AMRAP
10 hollow body banded straight arm pull downs
3 each leg single leg kipping or butterfly box pull ups
5 beat swings with tape between legs
3 attempts at kipping pull up/C2B/Butterfly.
*Only do butterfly’s for the final attempts if confident at C2B
Workout Of The Day
3 rounds for time.
50 abmat situps
40 KBS @ 24/16kg
30 Hand release pushups
20 Alternating DB renegade row @ 2x 22.5/15kg
10 mins to build to:
Build to a 5RM Thruster
After every time you pickup the barbell perform:
2x Max effort broad jumps.
Workout Of The Day
4x 3 min rounds – 2 min rest
8 Front Squats @ 82.5/55kg
12 Box jumps @ 30/24″
Max cal row in time remaining!
*18 mins total.
Workout Of The Day
0-12 mins
4 sets: – One set every 3 mins
8 rear foot elevated split squats each leg
8 archer ring rows or false grip ring rows
8 single arm high pulls each arm.
12-20 mins
8 min AMRAP
8 Weighted hollow rocks
10 weighted sit-ups
12 stalder leg lifts
20-30 mins
10 minutes to complete:
200m Farmers carry @ 32/24kg
10m Handstand walk OR 3 Wall walks + 4 weight shifts on each rep
200m 65/45kg Deadball carry
10m HS walk OR 3 Wall walks + 4 weight shifts on each rep
50m Bear crawl.
Morning workout – Open Workout 24.3 Class setting. *Not Judged
Workout Of The Day
Evening workout – Open Workout 24.3
Workout Of The Day